Friday, October 31, 2008

What's your key signature?

Your result for What's your key signature?...

F Major

You're a little flat there, Romeo.

Congratulations, you’re F Major, combining the ease of C Major with just a tint of flatness among it. This key is just perfect for sappy ballads, just ask Paul McCartney! (Yesterday, Michelle AND Hey Jude were all in the key of F!) This key is ideal for pianists who want a touch of softness in their step, or guitarists who happen to like Capoing the first fret. Most instruments have no problem with the key of F, and several horns even have it as their home key. Seriously, though. Try and find a hard rocking punk song in F. Not happening. Punk people tend to stray from such happy keys.

You hopeless romantic, you. Go for it, and play something beautiful on your accordion in F major the next time your girl/guy/Transgendered partner is around, you’ll be amazed by the results. Or maybe you won’t, it really depends on weather or not she/he/it is in the mood. But it can’t hurt!


I gave you three up there, go away.


* The Haydn brothers wrote more symphonies in F major than any other set of musical brothers. This was probably in part because there are very few sets of musical brothers who composed symphonies.

Take What's your key signature? at HelloQuizzy

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Karaoke Theme Song

What can I say. I probably already know all the words LOL!!

Your Karaoke Theme Song is "Baby Got Back"

You're a total show off who is willing to risk looking like a fool to get a few laughs.

In fact, you'll go for the cheap laugh if you need to... because it's better than no reaction!

Your friends can count on you to get a party started, and you'll party hard until you can't remember their names.

You're charismatic, charming, and a total character. With or without a few drinks in you.

You might also sing: "I Touch Myself," "Oops I Did it Again," or "My Humps"

Stay away from people who sing: "Candle in the Wind"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Not Procrastinating, but Taking a Break after Studying Today . . .

Your Funky Japanese Name Is


This is why they call me BarbiSu

Your Hair Should Be Blonde

You are outgoing, light hearted, and a ton of fun.

You don't take life too seriously, and you do your best to charm everyone you meet.

You are very energetic. People tend to underestimate you, but you can get a lot done.

You do tend to be a bit sensitive. If someone has a bad opinion of you, it truly hurts.

You are cunning and clever. You are smart, but you aren't “book smart” or academic.

Some people may think you're superficial, but they're not seeing the whole picture.

um, someone forgot to tell them about my food allergies!

You Are a Hazelnut Latte

You often having the craving for something exotic. You get bored easily.

You are a true adventurer. Nothing makes you happier than traveling.

You're a very cosmopolitan and worldly person. You have sophisticated tastes.

You have a keen attention to detail. Little things matter to you - you are a bit of a perfectionist.

ok, i'm not happy at all about the animals they have chosen for me!

You Are a Chihauhua

You are very smart and very earnest. You take yourself quite seriously.

In fact, people are often amused by how seriously you take yourself.

Deep down, you are a very fragile person. Your friends and family know how breakable you are.

Because you are so fragile, you tend to be quite neurotic. You are suspicious of almost everyone and everything.

You Are a Chicken

You are a naturally curious and inquisitive being. You are often poking your nose where it doesn't belong!

Collecting nuggets of knowledge is important to you. You enjoy knowing everything you can.

You are very independent and strong willed. You don't like to be bossed around, and you do as you please.

You are quite determined and able to take on challenges. You will “peck away” at a problem until it's gone.

You Would Be a Good Spouse 75% of the Time

You have what it takes to be an amazing wife or husband.

You are caring, patient, giving, and romantic. You are willing to work for a marriage.

More than anything, you're not about to let your ego ruin a relationship.

You are humble and unselfish. And that's the key to being a good spouse.

Your Surfing Habits are 60% Male, 40% Female

If we had to guess, we would guess that you are a man.

You use the internet to make your life more efficient - and to make you smarter.

For you, the internet is like a vast encyclopedia.

You search and surf extensively. You look up everything online.