Friday, July 25, 2008

ok, a little more procrastination...

Wrath:Very Low
Lust:Very High

Discover Your Sins - Click Here

You Can Definitely Spot a Liar

Maybe you have good instincts. Or maybe you just have a lot of experience with liars.

Either way, it's pretty hard for someone to pull a fast one on you. You're like a human lie detector.

Your Bedroom Personality: Healthy

In the bedroom, you are open, honest, and giving.

You are the ideal partner in many ways! Anyone is lucky to be with you.

You see physical intimacy as an opportunity to grow and connect.

You are up for experimentation, but you don't require it.

You Are Bold When it Counts

You don't make a big fuss about getting what you want... unless it's really important to you.

Then you're as bold as you want to be. You just go for it!

You're often up for a little excitement and adventure. Well, as long as the cost isn't too great.

You enjoy risk, but not for it's own sake. Let's just say you've learned a few lessons about risk in your life.

You Have a Fairly Strong Willpower

Temptation doesn't get the better of you all that often.

If you set your mind on a goal, you'll do your best to achieve it.

And while you don't have a perfect record with willpower, you do okay.

If you fall off the wagon with something, you're usually not off the wagon for long.